Unfortunately, all my pictures looked the same (click to see larger).
I love the Vivian Girls. This was the second time I've seen them live-- first time was over a year ago. They opened for Sonic Youth in August of 2008 [so did Times New Viking!] & I had no idea who they were, but I fell in love (that may be weird to write...) They are awesome and everyone should listen to them. Megs and I brought a couple of friends to the show who had never heard them and both of them really enjoyed the show, which was great! Hmm what else. I bought a t-shirt from Kickball Katy!
Real Estate was very very good as well. Gahhh. Hope everyone who went enjoyed themselves. It was lots o' fun.
I also went to CMJ about a month ago now, damn. There's lots to write about that, but I really don't feel like it. Here's a picture of the hottie from Turbo Fruits (who put on a really fun show!) at Union Pool in NYC.
This photo does him no justice. He's really nice, too. Tiff (WHUS DJ, on Sundays at 10PM) and I talked to him and I bought Echo Kid on vinyl. Sigh. More pictures of CMJ shows later, since all I did was see bands play all night and every night. OH we saw Metric last week so pictures/video (maybe?!) to come!!